In-house training – technology and soft skills

Being a good Tax Consultant means more than mastering a good tax technical Sarah De Wildeknowledge. It also requires managing certain technology and soft skills. Therefore Deloitte often organises in-house learning sessions to which you can voluntarily subscribe, such as PowerPoint presentation skills, Excel advanced, Personal branding,… This week I attended the learning session “Priority Management Programme – working smart with MS Outlook”.

The day before the course I received a questionnaire to complete so that I could already get a feeling of the learning objectives and how much improvement could be made. I won’t tell you my score, but there was still some margin left 🙂

The learning session kicked off with a sandwich lunch (in my opinion food is always a good way to start!). After everyone had shortly introduced themselves and had “confessed” their main issues regarding time management, Katie, the instructor, taught us plenty of useful tips and tricks on how to improve our daily planning, manage tasks and follow up on pending items and how some very convenient features of MS Outlook, of which I didn’t know the existence before, could assist in all of this.

I left the course with the mission to succeed in this “new way of working”. In two weeks, I have a personal coaching session with Katie to tackle my specific points of attention and to follow up on whether the progress in efficiency and planning is already heading in the right direction. I’ll keep you posted!


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