Weekend away

Hola everyone!

Dominique here…I just want to give you some insights on the work-life balance at Deloitte and how great it can be to be spontaneous!

A few weeks ago my friend and I were dreaming of “Sun and Sangria”. She came up with the brilliant idea “a city trip to the lovely capital of Spain”. I quickly arranged a day off at work and we booked our flight. Later that week, we were talking about our trip to friends and immediately we sold on the idea; so they also booked a flight. In the end we went to Madrid with 7 girls: Joke, Steffi, an ex-Deloitter, three true Deloitters and myself. Deloitte was definitely represented in style :-). Let me tell you just this: We are all connected in the great circle of life Deloitte.

5 (from left to right: Joke, Steffi and myself)

I asked a colleague (thank you Kevin) to drop us off at the airport and so we took off direction t sunny Spain on Friday afternoon (I left the office earlier than usual, but at Deloitte flexibility is key!)


I had such an amazing weekend! Madrid is a very lovely city and we had so much fun! (Can you imagine, 7 girls, sangria’s and shops everywhere? :-))
Here are some snap shots from our girls-weekend:

2 (Check out our sunglasses!)
3 (cocktail time!)

4 (The group)

6 (A bit of shopping)

I’m already dreaming of a new city trip… Maybe I’ll ask for another day off…right now :-). So, hasta la vista!


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